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Pro. IDProblem TitleRatio(Accepted/Submissions)
6800 Play osu! on Your Tablet26.64%(122/458)
6801 Game on a Circle50.46%(110/218)
6802  Anti-AK Problem52.63%(10/19)
6803 Blow up the Enemy46.65%(592/1269)
6804 Contest of Rope Pulling26.02%(967/3716)
6805 Deliver the Cake23.52%(982/4176)
6806 Equal Sentences49.01%(740/1510)
6807 Fake Photo14.12%(37/262)
6808 Go Running33.81%(783/2316)
6809 Head Maker64.86%(24/37)
6810 Imperative Meeting35.35%(117/331)
6811 Joyful Party27.27%(15/55)
6812 Kindergarten Physics78.84%(626/794)
6813 Last Problem45.61%(483/1059)
6814 Tetrahedron42.36%(532/1256)
6815 Funny String23.78%(34/143)
6816 Boring Game37.33%(467/1251)
6817 Expression18.52%(5/27)
6818 Array Repairing43.88%(43/98)
6819 Alice and Bob43.33%(13/30)
6820 Tree20.66%(401/1941)
6821 Set234.34%(137/399)
6822 Paperfolding58.14%(514/884)
6823 Function27.19%(31/114)
6824 Exam25.73%(53/206)
6825 Set131.72%(477/1504)
6826 An Easy Matrix Problem34.78%(16/46)
6827 Road To The 3rd Building40.22%(596/1482)
6828 Little Rabbit's Equation41.05%(585/1425)
6829 Borrow37.62%(161/428)
6830 Asteroid in Love33.64%(111/330)
6831 Fragrant numbers50.05%(467/933)
6832 A Very Easy Graph Problem38.93%(589/1513)
6833 A Very Easy Math Problem45.51%(238/523)
6834 Yukikaze and Smooth numbers43.43%(109/251)
6835 Divisibility68.07%(454/667)
6836 Expectation39.79%(452/1136)
6837 Kirakira26.53%(39/147)
6838 Battle for Wosneth39.73%(269/677)
6839 Binary Addition35.28%(181/513)
6840 Range k-th Maximum Query32.36%(111/343)
6841 Link Cut Tree23.33%(21/90)
6842 Battle for Wosneth244.93%(62/138)
6843 Query on the Tree6.98%(12/172)
6844 Animism36.36%(4/11)
6845 Bitwise Xor36.47%(62/170)
6846 Counting80.00%(20/25)
6847 Decision68.00%(136/200)
6848 Expectation56.38%(84/149)
6849 Flower40.85%(58/142)
6850 Game40.23%(585/1454)
6851 Heart28.22%(138/489)
6852 Increasing and Decreasing36.77%(453/1232)
6853 Jogging40.11%(426/1062)
6854 Kcats60.00%(93/155)
6855 Auto-correction54.55%(36/66)
6856 Breaking Down News33.71%(267/792)
6857 Clockwise or Counterclockwise61.78%(409/662)
6858 Discovery of Cycles42.06%(331/787)
6859 Easy NPC Problem28.57%(4/14)
6860 Fluctuation Limit43.19%(431/998)
6861 Gaming of Co-prime Disallowance33.11%(98/296)
6862 Hexagon51.57%(328/636)
6863 Isomorphic Strings27.94%(742/2656)
6864 Jumping on a Cactus40.26%(31/77)
6865 Kidnapper's Matching Problem38.31%(236/616)
6866 Linuber File System44.52%(130/292)
6867 Tree36.66%(470/1282)
6868 Absolute Math25.95%(178/686)
6869 Slime and Stones40.91%(306/748)
6870 Product17.30%(50/289)
6871 Resistance15.31%(32/209)
6872 Skyscrapers66.67%(2/3)
6873 Game27.98%(275/983)
6874 Distance25.00%(16/64)
6875 Yajilin30.53%(29/95)
6876 Jump16.90%(12/71)
6877 Anti-hash Test33.33%(3/9)
6878 Network Test29.63%(16/54)
6879 Mine Sweeper42.75%(348/814)
6880 Permutation Counting52.24%(467/894)
6881 Tree Cutting26.11%(182/697)
6882 Divide and Conquer20.30%(82/404)
6883 Coin Game38.49%(204/530)
6884 I do not know Graph Theory!22.08%(17/77)
6885 Photography23.53%(32/136)
6886 Tic-Tac-Toe-Nim65.73%(328/499)
6887 Task Scheduler43.79%(342/781)
6888 Art Class21.94%(145/661)
6889 Graph Theory Class25.77%(860/3337)
6890 Express Mail Taking33.56%(1059/3156)
6891 Chess Class36.94%(82/222)
6892 Lunch24.01%(1051/4378)
6893 Robotic Class23.54%(229/973)
6894 CCPC Training Class54.65%(858/1570)
6895 PE Class30.00%(33/110)
6896 Math Class21.40%(46/215)
6897 Reports73.41%(1049/1429)
6898 3x3 Convolution46.96%(571/1216)
6899 Xor48.01%(241/502)

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2025 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.028001(s) query 2, Server time : 2025-03-29 02:54:25, Gzip enabled