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Pro. IDProblem TitleRatio(Accepted/Submissions)
3200 Arborescence Counting29.44%(141/479)
3201 Build a Fence75.22%(1557/2070)
3202 Circle and Triangle15.74%(82/521)
3203 Door Repairing36.31%(228/628)
3204 Expression Counting11.45%(15/131)
3205 Factorization28.40%(71/250)
3206 Gem Squares26.44%(78/295)
3207 Highway16.67%(115/690)
3208 Integer’s Power24.57%(778/3166)
3209 Jumping Hands41.54%(113/272)
3210 Another Door Repairing Problem8.75%(23/263)
3211 Baking the Shaobing7.73%(18/233)
3212 Card Collection21.55%(103/478)
3213 Dual Processing Task22.98%(57/248)
3214 Eclipse4.98%(10/201)
3215 The first place of 2^n43.76%(403/921)
3216 Graph of Black and White11.59%(16/138)
3217 Health33.38%(243/728)
3218 Inverse2.31%(3/130)
3219 Jammed Traffic46.43%(182/392)
3220 Alice’s Cube34.68%(841/2425)
3221 Brute-force Algorithm28.62%(1050/3669)
3222 Compressed String24.91%(70/281)
3223 Decrypt Messages25.59%(183/715)
3224 Exciting Time10.58%(40/378)
3225 Flowers Placement29.69%(239/805)
3226 Game Simulator5.56%(5/90)
3227 Heroes Arrangement8.98%(22/245)
3228 Island Explorer19.65%(305/1552)
3229 Jinyuetuan Puzzle29.53%(269/911)
3230 Assembling Services16.67%(51/306)
3231 Box Relations42.11%(750/1781)
3232 Crossing Rivers50.96%(770/1511)
3233 Download Manager44.09%(1774/4024)
3234 Exclusive-OR28.11%(1414/5031)
3235 Final Combat10.08%(12/119)
3236 Gift Hunting33.21%(740/2228)
3237 Help Bubu29.62%(598/2019)
3238 In A Crazy City11.63%(25/215)
3239 Jiajia's Robot30.63%(196/640)
3240 Counting Binary Trees34.47%(426/1236)
3241 Guess the Pattern12.62%(27/214)
3242 List Operations29.12%(182/625)
3243 Windows10.04%(27/269)
3244 Inviting Friends35.13%(281/800)
3245 Treeland Exhibition30.48%(132/433)
3246 Special Flow4.96%(7/141)
3247 Resource Archiver33.88%(1544/4557)
3248 Strange Clock49.31%(465/943)
3249 Selecting Frames54.25%(185/341)
3250 Automatic Tetris Player30.27%(56/185)
3251 Being a Hero33.51%(770/2298)
3252 Code Merging18.43%(47/255)
3253 Diamonds24.22%(62/256)
3254 Extraordinary Tug of War0.74%(2/272)
3255 Farming31.85%(738/2317)
3256 Grid Point Counting17.92%(117/653)
3257 Hello World!38.29%(438/1144)
3258 Intricate to death?6.09%(7/115)
3259 Just Another String Matching Problem24.16%(79/327)
3260 Facer is learning to swim24.81%(288/1161)
3261 Zombies VS Plants14.32%(55/384)
3262 Seat taking up is tough38.59%(573/1485)
3263 Ancient vending machine33.74%(306/907)
3264 Open-air shopping malls37.70%(1186/3146)
3265 Posters23.08%(1880/8146)
3266 Hamlet’s gambling20.53%(93/453)
3267 Graph Game26.03%(247/949)
3268 Columbus’s bargain28.03%(669/2387)
3269 P2P File Sharing System54.67%(322/589)
3270 The Diophantine Equation30.46%(552/1812)
3271 SNIBB29.41%(510/1734)
3272 Mission Impossible45.32%(252/556)
3273 Lottery3.43%(8/233)
3274 City Planning50.28%(273/543)
3275 Light33.59%(348/1036)
3276 Star40.07%(230/574)
3277 Marriage Match III29.81%(847/2841)
3278 Puzzle35.42%(266/751)
3279 Nth Largest Value75.13%(1426/1898)
3280 Equal Sum Partitions71.59%(756/1056)
3281 Balls55.81%(336/602)
3282 Running Median30.27%(925/3056)
3283 The Next Permutation64.49%(1204/1867)
3284 Adjacent Bit Counts83.12%(448/539)
3285 Convex Hull of Lattice Points61.78%(270/437)
3286 Interior Points of Lattice Polygons55.11%(124/225)
3287 Theta Puzzle32.51%(132/406)
3288 Resource Allocation31.80%(214/673)
3289 Magic tree 30.20%(90/298)
3290 The magic apple tree22.95%(391/1704)
3291 The gold miners27.19%(62/228)
3292 No more tricks, Mr Nanguo67.72%(472/697)
3293 sort42.53%(695/1634)
3294 Girls' research34.97%(3348/9575)
3295 An interesting mobile game45.92%(326/710)
3296 Acm Team Section38.96%(277/711)
3297 Balancing the Scale31.56%(71/225)
3298 Contestants48.90%(155/317)
3299 Distant Galaxy53.82%(162/301)

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2025 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 2, Server time : 2025-03-29 02:15:34, Gzip enabled