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Jammed Traffic

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 392    Accepted Submission(s): 182

Problem Description
Finally, YY graduated from a little known university and got employed by a small company, with great effort. The job is interesting, well paid and nice in many
aspects, except for the company is a little far from home. So YY has to take bus to work every day early in the morning, and prays for no traffic jams along the road.

The route of the bus is fixed. It goes past N+1 landmarks one by one, the first of which is the bus-stop where YY gets on the bus, and the last is the company
where he should get off. If traffic jams do not occur, the time consumed to go between landmarks is also fixed — Ti minutes from ith landmark to (i+1)th
landmark (1≤i≤N). However, if a traffic jam is encountered, things are different. After having been late for many times (and luckily enough not been fired by his
boss & girlfriend LMY), YY has discovered that the road between two consecutive landmarks will be jammed only in a fixed time period in a day. If the bus is
between ith landmark and (i+1)th landmark (excluding at the two landmarks themselves) and encounters a traffic jam, additional Di minutes are needed to
get to (i+1)th landmark.

Given the time YY gets on the bus and the time his company start to work, could he reach the company in time?

For each test case, the first line contains only one integer N. (1≤N≤100)
Then N lines follow. The ith line of which describes the road between ith landmark and (i+1)th landmark. Two integers comes first, Ti and Di (1≤Ti , Di≤60), indicating
the basic time consumption and additional time consumption with traffic jam for the bus to go between the two landmarks, in minutes. A pair of time Si and Ei follows,
in HH:MM format (24 hours), indicating the starting and ending time of traffic jam between the two landmarks. Si is always strictly earlier than Ei, and they are always
in the same day.

The last line contains the time when YY gets on the bus and the time when the company starts to work, in HH:MM format (24 hours). He must arrive at the company
strictly before it starts to work, or he is late.

All times are in the same day.
Input end with N=0.

For each test case, output one line with string “Poor YY!” if he will definitely be late or output “Lucky YY!” if he will not. Quotes for clarity, do not output them.

Sample Input
1 10 20 07:30 08:00 07:20 07:35 1 10 20 07:30 08:00 07:21 07:51 1 1 1 12:00 12:30 23:59 00:01 0

Sample Output
Lucky YY! Poor YY! Poor YY!


In the first test case, the bus starts at 07:20 and arrives at the company at 07:30, just avoids to be blocked by the traffic jam.

In the second test case, the bus start at 07:21 and encounters traffic jam at 07:30 when it is still on the way to the company. So additional 20 minutes are needed,
and it arrives at the company at 07:51. So poor YY is just late, because he doesn’t reach the company before 07:51, when it starts to work.

In the third test case, the bus arrives at the company at 00:00 in the second day, so he is considered to be late for almost one entire day.


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