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Pro. IDProblem TitleRatio(Accepted/Submissions)
5300 Angry Trees3.31%(6/181)
5301 Buildings28.33%(1119/3950)
5302 Connect the Graph36.30%(261/719)
5303 Delicious Apples31.76%(1000/3149)
5304 Eastest Magical Day Seep Group's Summer30.74%(289/940)
5305 Friends47.12%(1653/3508)
5306 Gorgeous Sequence22.81%(5193/22770)
5307 He is Flying27.44%(730/2660)
5308 I Wanna Become A 24-Point Master41.70%(766/1837)
5309 JRY is Fighting26.14%(161/616)
5310 Souvenir49.72%(1062/2136)
5311 Hidden String39.35%(916/2328)
5312 Sequence31.93%(508/1591)
5313 Bipartite Graph35.49%(708/1995)
5314 Happy King27.93%(508/1819)
5315 Triangle13.87%(19/137)
5316 Magician26.30%(1118/4251)
5317 RGCDQ 37.55%(1570/4181)
5318 The Goddess Of The Moon44.41%(885/1993)
5319 Painter37.20%(1179/3169)
5320 Fan Li25.50%(152/596)
5321 Beautiful Set48.55%(351/723)
5322 Hope52.94%(567/1071)
5323 Solve this interesting problem32.67%(1187/3633)
5324 Boring Class31.50%(731/2321)
5325 Crazy Bobo34.97%(833/2382)
5326 Work 54.44%(1740/3196)
5327 Olympiad55.82%(2254/4038)
5328 Problem Killer32.83%(1173/3573)
5329 Question for the Leader27.42%(297/1083)
5330 Route Statistics53.19%(150/282)
5331 Simple Problem14.56%(30/206)
5332 Test for Rikka45.05%(150/333)
5333 Undirected Graph28.61%(382/1335)
5334 Virtual Participation33.63%(449/1335)
5335 Walk Out20.49%(1129/5509)
5336 XYZ and Drops34.60%(773/2234)
5337 Yet Another XYZ Problem18.18%(40/220)
5338 ZZX and Permutations32.66%(390/1194)
5339 Untitled55.00%(1178/2142)
5340 Three Palindromes35.93%(940/2616)
5341 Gcd and Lcm38.22%(73/191)
5342 Dynamic Cactus2.33%(2/86)
5343 MZL's Circle Zhou39.87%(313/785)
5344 MZL's xor56.61%(1144/2021)
5345 MZL's combat12.03%(16/133)
5346 MZL's game60.54%(158/261)
5347 MZL's chemistry65.87%(693/1052)
5348 MZL's endless loop24.52%(886/3613)
5349 MZL's simple problem34.69%(1357/3912)
5350 MZL's munhaff function60.40%(363/601)
5351 MZL's Border33.68%(548/1627)
5352 MZL's City37.84%(507/1340)
5353 Average21.20%(1083/5108)
5354 Bipartite Graph36.96%(343/928)
5355 Cake21.82%(773/3543)
5356 Deal17.39%(64/368)
5357 Easy Sequence26.51%(342/1290)
5358 First One25.53%(1465/5738)
5359 Group21.58%(41/190)
5360 Hiking49.87%(990/1985)
5361 In Touch24.81%(970/3909)
5362 Just A String27.65%(324/1172)
5363 Key Set48.08%(1826/3798)
5364 Distribution money48.41%(748/1545)
5365 Run43.98%(712/1619)
5366 The mook jong63.48%(895/1410)
5367 digger29.37%(222/756)
5368 Bribery5.48%(4/73)
5369 Game On the Tree17.54%(67/382)
5370 Tree Maker33.90%(180/531)
5371 Hotaru's problem32.44%(1698/5234)
5372 Segment Game30.44%(727/2388)
5373 The shortest problem39.43%(1087/2757)
5374 Tetris53.59%(276/515)
5375 Gray code54.00%(796/1474)
5376 Convex Polygon23.16%(63/272)
5377 Root27.74%(271/977)
5378 Leader in Tree Land50.61%(499/986)
5379 Mahjong tree34.26%(687/2005)
5380 Travel with candy48.30%(256/530)
5381 The sum of gcd41.54%(935/2251)
5382 GCD?LCM!65.75%(336/511)
5383 Yu-Gi-Oh!30.79%(283/919)
5384 Danganronpa54.08%(914/1690)
5385 The path44.21%(515/1165)
5386 Cover36.77%(771/2097)
5387 Clock50.81%(938/1846)
5388 Geometer's Sketchpad18.43%(68/369)
5389 Zero Escape51.93%(928/1787)
5390 tree32.23%(205/636)
5391 Zball in Tina Town45.60%(1844/4044)
5392 Infoplane in Tina Town25.75%(780/3029)
5393 Falsyta in Tina Town19.62%(154/785)
5394 Trie in Tina Town15.46%(271/1753)
5395 Piano in Tina Town4.39%(5/114)
5396 Expression60.91%(879/1443)
5397 Hack it!10.93%(20/183)
5398 GCD Tree44.67%(448/1003)
5399 Too Simple33.40%(647/1937)

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2025 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 2, Server time : 2025-03-29 02:27:34, Gzip enabled