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Pro. IDProblem TitleRatio(Accepted/Submissions)
3100 Series / Parallel Resistor Circuits27.75%(53/191)
3101 The Heart of the Country30.48%(139/456)
3102 Lawrence of Arabia48.10%(303/630)
3103 Shoring Up the Levees33.82%(232/686)
3104 Combination Lock 53.65%(235/438)
3105 Fred's Lotto Tickets63.52%(773/1217)
3106 A No-Win Situation25.00%(76/304)
3107 A Walk in the Park 22.49%(76/338)
3108 Teleport Out! 14.63%(36/246)
3109 Worms 37.24%(108/290)
3110 Crystal Ball Factory34.13%(86/252)
3111 Sudoku63.92%(473/740)
3112 Planet Alignment13.76%(26/189)
3113 Sum of Cubes24.72%(349/1412)
3114 Bold ASCII Lines33.17%(68/205)
3115 Cover the Square8.28%(38/459)
3116 Bus Schedules10.00%(14/140)
3117 Fibonacci Numbers41.57%(1865/4486)
3118 Arbiter48.47%(890/1836)
3119 ChaeYeon30.70%(140/456)
3120 Dolphin29.15%(232/796)
3121 FreeOpen20.94%(138/659)
3122 FreeRadiant18.66%(50/268)
3123 GCC33.17%(1977/5961)
3124 Moonmist36.11%(859/2379)
3125 Slash56.05%(621/1108)
3126 Nova19.98%(325/1627)
3127 WHUgirls40.62%(1314/3235)
3128 What is the air speed velocity…65.16%(144/221)
3129 The Brave Sir Robin’s cAsE cOrReCtOr42.17%(140/332)
3130 Sir Bedavere’s Bogus Division Solutions51.53%(152/295)
3131 One…Two…Five!41.64%(127/305)
3132 Taunt Exposure Estimation61.73%(121/196)
3133 Ye Holy Hand Grenades!7.30%(10/137)
3134 Nested Shrubbery Boxes45.58%(103/226)
3135 And Now For Something Completely Different!3.82%(6/157)
3136 Taunt Generation Simulator0.00%(0/77)
3137 No Left Turns51.67%(170/329)
3138 Coconuts44.13%(139/315)
3139 Soda Surpler58.31%(537/921)
3140 Money Matters28.27%(147/520)
3141 Allergy Test20.11%(73/363)
3142 Rain Fall16.09%(61/379)
3143 Speedy Escape35.16%(231/657)
3144 Gokigen Naname17.49%(46/263)
3145 Flight Planning21.97%(67/305)
3146 Beacons18.05%(89/493)
3147 Playfair Cipher34.02%(116/341)
3148 Code Permutations9.09%(21/231)
3149 Tetrahedral Stacks of Cannonballs2.86%(13/454)
3150 Robot Roll Call – Cambot…Servo…Gypsy…Croooow48.58%(137/282)
3151 Cave Crisis21.34%(51/239)
3152 Obstacle Course61.41%(444/723)
3153 Pencils from the 19th Century56.50%(126/223)
3154 Optimal Strategy for the ICPC29.41%(80/272)
3155 Symbolic Logic Mechanization38.52%(47/122)
3156 Repair Depots28.63%(217/758)
3157 Crazy Circuits49.03%(680/1387)
3158 PropBot47.06%(160/340)
3159 "Ancient" Calculator32.03%(98/306)
3160 Rooks37.56%(231/615)
3161 Pipes16.67%(33/198)
3162 Cantor27.07%(183/676)
3163 Meltdown34.54%(67/194)
3164 sqrt log sin40.00%(236/590)
3165 Trainsorting29.56%(201/680)
3166 Classified1.05%(2/191)
3167 Hot Spot13.97%(51/365)
3168 Snakes and Ladders20.15%(138/685)
3169 Balance13.54%(44/325)
3170 Laurel Creek1.83%(2/109)
3171 Rocket Stages22.76%(66/290)
3172 Virtual Friends28.09%(4145/14754)
3173 Dominos5.66%(46/813)
3174 Logo33.95%(166/489)
3175 Awesome DJMAX32.79%(100/305)
3176 Broken Pixel42.82%(292/682)
3177 Crixalis's Equipment40.06%(2580/6440)
3178 Different Division35.54%(145/408)
3179 Effective Government Spokesman26.76%(38/142)
3180 Furion's Sprout40.29%(83/206)
3181 Greatest Naruto Army54.03%(623/1153)
3182 Hamburger Magi36.71%(670/1825)
3183 A Magic Lamp40.19%(4499/11194)
3184 All Can Do39.23%(297/757)
3185 Dead Or Alive12.50%(13/104)
3186 Find A Job2.27%(4/176)
3187 HP Problem41.90%(119/284)
3188 Just A Triangle71.46%(2594/3630)
3189 Just Do It67.53%(1221/1808)
3190 Marriage Match11.74%(35/298)
3191 How Many Paths Are There32.73%(866/2646)
3193 Find the hotel30.77%(777/2525)
3194 Median14.24%(94/660)
3195 Interesting Numbers51.91%(122/235)
3196 Let’s Ship1.97%(3/152)
3197 Game36.32%(316/870)
3198 Play on Words17.83%(87/488)
3199 Hamming Problem43.16%(925/2143)

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2025 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
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