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Pro. IDProblem TitleRatio(Accepted/Submissions)
5200 Trees34.62%(549/1586)
5201 The Monkey King36.28%(546/1505)
5202 Rikka with string37.34%(661/1770)
5203 Rikka with wood sticks32.63%(447/1370)
5204 Rikka with sequence25.53%(288/1128)
5205 Rikka with graph7.41%(18/243)
5206 Four Inages Strategy33.85%(704/2080)
5207 Greatest Greatest Common Divisor42.08%(823/1956)
5208 Where is Bob45.94%(198/431)
5209 Magic Toy Brick51.56%(116/225)
5210 Delete42.66%(1197/2806)
5211 Mutiple58.89%(712/1209)
5212 Code42.48%(658/1549)
5213 Lucky32.61%(832/2551)
5214 Movie21.47%(616/2869)
5215 Cycle30.25%(517/1709)
5216 Segment42.42%(151/356)
5217 Brackets39.38%(165/419)
5218 Game57.81%(222/384)
5219 Repeating44.38%(79/178)
5220 GAL20.77%(65/313)
5221 Occupation40.20%(357/888)
5222 Exploration31.51%(652/2069)
5223 GCD38.13%(718/1883)
5224 Tom and paper59.92%(1066/1779)
5225 Tom and permutation47.01%(338/719)
5226 Tom and matrix30.55%(487/1594)
5227 Tom and game35.12%(59/168)
5228 ZCC loves straight flush43.11%(666/1545)
5229 ZCC loves strings41.10%(432/1051)
5230 ZCC loves hacking41.94%(328/782)
5231 ZCC loves math5.21%(5/96)
5232 Shaking hands82.02%(593/723)
5233 Gunner II33.31%(1017/3053)
5234 Happy birthday49.81%(513/1030)
5235 Door game16.77%(28/167)
5236 Article38.43%(583/1517)
5237 Base6446.89%(891/1900)
5238 Calculator34.92%(426/1220)
5239 Doom26.44%(625/2364)
5240 Exam44.89%(2206/4914)
5241 Friends46.57%(1033/2218)
5242 Game33.50%(886/2645)
5243 Homework15.30%(82/536)
5244 inverse52.96%(170/321)
5245 Joyful44.26%(1061/2397)
5246 超级赛亚ACMer26.92%(1126/4183)
5247 找连续数36.62%(932/2545)
5248 序列变换36.40%(1613/4431)
5249 KPI32.45%(1243/3831)
5250 三阶魔方36.17%(370/1023)
5251 矩形面积53.76%(615/1144)
5252 追星族30.41%(59/194)
5253 连接的管道30.85%(2261/7330)
5254 棋盘占领53.48%(438/819)
5255 魔法因子30.63%(245/800)
5256 序列变换29.36%(1551/5283)
5257 翻转游戏22.56%(60/266)
5258 数长方形54.40%(241/443)
5259 弹吉他56.40%(119/211)
5260 行路难16.05%(95/592)
5261 蜀道难40.25%(285/708)
5262 最强密码48.19%(173/359)
5263 平衡大师22.35%(40/179)
5264 pog loves szh I59.16%(649/1097)
5265 pog loves szh II27.69%(949/3427)
5266 pog loves szh III26.27%(654/2490)
5267 pog loves szh IV34.45%(72/209)
5268 ZYB loves Score64.55%(508/787)
5269 ZYB loves Xor I44.32%(710/1602)
5270 ZYB loves Xor II37.00%(232/627)
5271 ZYB loves product14.46%(12/83)
5272 Dylans loves numbers48.19%(705/1463)
5273 Dylans loves sequence51.74%(878/1697)
5274 Dylans loves tree24.52%(689/2810)
5275 Dylans loves polynomial27.47%(114/415)
5276 YJC tricks time48.21%(471/977)
5277 YJC counts stars39.76%(293/737)
5278 YJC plays automaton43.54%(64/147)
5279 YJC plays Minecraft62.56%(249/398)
5280 Senior's Array35.39%(711/2009)
5281 Senior's Gun31.33%(1374/4385)
5282 Senior's String44.50%(364/818)
5283 Senior's Fish21.38%(96/449)
5284 wyh2000 and a string problem46.55%(547/1175)
5285 wyh2000 and pupil31.60%(849/2687)
5286 wyh2000 and sequence25.70%(230/895)
5287 Fast wyh2000 Transform21.02%(37/176)
5288 OO’s Sequence36.72%(1754/4777)
5289 Assignment45.84%(3010/6566)
5290 Bombing plan30.34%(453/1493)
5291 Candy Distribution35.68%(350/981)
5292 Pocket Cube51.75%(251/485)
5293 Tree chain problem31.93%(885/2772)
5294 Tricks Device28.46%(1245/4374)
5295 Unstable21.60%(170/787)
5296 Annoying problem30.89%(933/3020)
5297 Y sequence23.17%(812/3505)
5298 Solid Geometry Homework53.90%(145/269)
5299 Circles Game32.09%(747/2328)

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2025 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.015600(s) query 2, Server time : 2025-03-29 02:11:43, Gzip enabled