3500 | Fling | 39.82%(317/796) |
3501 | Calculation 2 | 40.15%(3051/7599) |
3502 | Huson's Adventure Island | 25.80%(283/1097) |
3503 | Perfect Sequence | 21.67%(57/263) |
3504 | Best String | 35.86%(156/435) |
3505 | Writing Robot | 33.22%(101/304) |
3506 | Monkey Party | 33.04%(2731/8265) |
3507 | Print Article | 30.06%(8406/27966) |
3508 | Product of coprimes | 32.10%(381/1187) |
3509 | Buge's Fibonacci Number Problem | 33.80%(361/1068) |
3510 | Simple Scheduling Problem | 34.77%(129/371) |
3511 | Prison Break | 32.42%(731/2255) |
3512 | Perfect matching | 26.59%(209/786) |
3513 | King’s Case | 8.47%(10/118) |
3514 | Queen’s Case | 36.57%(132/361) |
3515 | How high is the Building | 23.65%(101/427) |
3516 | Tree Construction | 54.79%(1378/2515) |
3517 | Adopt or not | 30.08%(145/482) |
3518 | Boring counting | 40.78%(2033/4985) |
3519 | Lucky Coins Sequence | 53.50%(672/1256) |
3520 | Draw | 27.96%(184/658) |
3521 | An easy Problem | 36.65%(472/1288) |
3522 | Minimum Integer sequence | 14.69%(161/1096) |
3523 | Image copy detection | 70.16%(355/506) |
3524 | Perfect Squares | 52.05%(444/853) |
3525 | Orienteering | 28.25%(293/1037) |
3526 | Computer Assembling | 42.00%(373/888) |
3527 | SPY | 34.56%(2405/6958) |
3528 | The Simple Programming Language | 27.86%(151/542) |
3529 | Bomberman - Just Search! | 56.97%(470/825) |
3530 | Subsequence | 32.65%(4563/13974) |
3531 | Match | 26.42%(364/1378) |
3532 | Max Angle | 38.59%(448/1161) |
3533 | Escape | 28.69%(1472/5131) |
3534 | Tree | 33.48%(811/2422) |
3535 | AreYouBusy | 41.18%(2859/6942) |
3536 | PAINTING | 41.60%(245/589) |
3537 | Daizhenyang's Coin | 48.11%(765/1590) |
3538 | A sample Hamilton path | 33.65%(454/1349) |
3539 | Daizhenyang's Letter | 19.72%(99/502) |
3540 | EditingOperation | 38.75%(155/400) |
3541 | The Team of ACM/ICPC | 10.80%(39/361) |
3542 | ZaakDov is doing his math problem! | 25.44%(202/794) |
3543 | Roba number | 52.14%(292/560) |
3544 | Alice's Game | 46.20%(723/1565) |
3545 | Board Coloring | 32.74%(146/446) |
3546 | Calculator | 22.85%(497/2175) |
3547 | DIY Cube | 48.70%(470/965) |
3548 | Enumerate the Triangles | 37.94%(513/1352) |
3549 | Flow Problem | 44.61%(14888/33373) |
3550 | Graph Generation | 19.59%(29/148) |
3551 | Hard Problem | 21.06%(440/2089) |
3552 | I can do it! | 45.64%(786/1722) |
3553 | Just a String | 19.92%(259/1300) |
3554 | Another Contest | 36.35%(273/751) |
3555 | Bomb | 38.46%(13588/35334) |
3556 | Continued Fraction | 30.84%(157/509) |
3557 | Divide Game | 20.75%(66/318) |
3558 | Easy Geometry | 30.79%(93/302) |
3559 | Frost Chain | 43.35%(326/752) |
3560 | Graph’s Cycle Component | 37.88%(980/2587) |
3561 | How many times | 30.85%(340/1102) |
3562 | Interesting Tour | 37.97%(172/453) |
3563 | Jesus of Suburbia | 22.03%(87/395) |
3564 | Another LIS | 35.93%(794/2210) |
3565 | Bi-peak Number | 30.96%(504/1628) |
3566 | Counting Heads | 17.22%(26/151) |
3567 | Eight II | 21.79%(2258/10364) |
3568 | Help Johnny | 46.70%(290/621) |
3569 | Imaginary Date | 51.34%(499/972) |
3570 | More happiness | 37.28%(104/279) |
3571 | N-dimensional Sphere | 41.61%(367/882) |
3572 | Task Schedule | 29.33%(4681/15962) |
3573 | Buy Sticks | 47.43%(490/1033) |
3574 | Cube Min Surface Carving | 19.80%(39/197) |
3575 | Digit Size | 32.39%(205/633) |
3576 | Elevators in Jiayuan Students' Apartment | 40.53%(246/607) |
3577 | Fast Arrangement | 26.95%(1712/6352) |
3578 | Greedy Tino | 34.11%(761/2231) |
3579 | Hello Kiki | 37.40%(2913/7788) |
3580 | Isosceles Right Triangles | 52.63%(150/285) |
3581 | Judge Segments | 36.48%(224/614) |
3582 | A Puzzle Game | 29.01%(179/617) |
3583 | CodeMaker | 26.45%(91/344) |
3584 | Cube | 48.73%(1592/3267) |
3585 | maximum shortest distance | 32.00%(1118/3494) |
3586 | Information Disturbing | 32.05%(2351/7336) |
3587 | NUDOTA | 23.07%(173/750) |
3588 | Pair | 17.99%(75/417) |
3589 | Jacobi symbol | 43.63%(411/942) |
3590 | PP and QQ | 51.46%(441/857) |
3591 | The trouble of Xiaoqian | 34.57%(1162/3361) |
3592 | World Exhibition | 45.36%(1509/3327) |
3593 | The most powerful force | 29.08%(454/1561) |
3594 | Cactus | 48.15%(1298/2696) |
3595 | GG and MM | 42.49%(693/1631) |
3596 | Lazy | 34.29%(369/1076) |
3597 | BOMB | 7.42%(19/256) |
3598 | A secret of 《The Tai Chi Master》 | 5.34%(14/262) |
3599 | War | 22.25%(650/2921) |