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Bitwise Xor

Time Limit: 9000/4500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 164    Accepted Submission(s): 61

Problem Description
Notice£ºDon't output extra spaces at the end of one line.

Koishi loves bitwise xor!

Satori knows that, so she decides to play a game with Koishi and her $n$ pets. There are $n$ pets standing in a row, and the $i$-th of them has $m_i$ kinds of magic, the $j$-th magic can be described as a pair of non-negative integers$(x_{ij},y_{ij})$. If she use this magic to a non-negative integer $w$, then she can turn $w$ into $w\oplus x_{ij}$ or $w\oplus y_{ij}$ as she wants. addtionally, the $i$-th pet has her favorate integer $p_i$.

Satori's game consists of $q$ rounds. In each round, one of following two things may happan:

1. Koishi closes her third eye, so Satori select one of her pets, and change its favorate integer.

2. Koishi's third eye reopens, so Satori tells three non-negative integers $l,r,x(1\leq l\leq r\leq n)$. Then, pets with index from $l$ to $r$ will use the magic to the integer $x$ one by one($l$-th is the first and $r$-th is the last), every pet \textbf{must} use \textbf{each} of her magic \textbf{exactly once}. After $r$-th pet finishes her operation, integer $x$ will become $y$ at last. Every pet want the final $y$ to be her own favorate integer $p$. so the $i$-th pet will try her best to make $y\oplus p_i$ as small as possible(notice $y$ is the final integer) . Every pet konws any other pets' magic details, favorate integer, and $l,r,x$ in the current round. Suppose they are all the cleverest, what's the final integer $y$?

Koishi is NO.1 all over the world, so she computes the final $y$ easily.

What about you?

The first line contains one positive integer $T(1\leq T\leq 15)$, representing $T$ test cases.

In each test case, the first line contains two positive integer $n,q(1\leq n,q\leq 10^5)$, number of pets and rounds.

Following is information of pets. For $i$-th pet, the first line contains two positive integers $m_i,p_i$, the number of magic the $i$-th pet owns and her initial favorate integer. Following are $m_i$ lines. $j$-th of them contains two non-negative integers $x_{ij},y_{ij}$.$(1\leq \sum m_i\leq 10^5,0\leq p,x,y,w< 2^{30})$

Following $q(1\leq q\leq 10^5)$ lines is information of each round. The $i$-th line has two possibilities.

1 x y :means $p_x$ is changed to $y(0\leq y<2^{30})$

2 l r x: means a game with parameters $l,r,x(1\leq l\leq r\leq n,0\leq y<2^{30})$ begins.

For each game, output a line with a non-negative integer representing the final $y$ at last of this game.

Sample Input
1 5 6 2 11 51 25 33 10 2 26 17 52 10 44 2 30 13 52 46 51 2 16 31 34 44 35 2 34 27 4 47 61 1 4 9 2 1 4 33 1 1 47 2 1 1 47 1 3 41 2 1 3 26

Sample Output
30 61 46


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