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chen -> 最短路

Start Time : 2012-03-10 18:37:00    End Time : 2012-03-21 14:37:00

Contest Status : Ended

Current System Time : 2024-09-22 19:42:28

Solved Problem ID Title Ratio(Accepted / Submitted)
1001 畅通工程续 39.29%(11/28)
1002 最短路 33.33%(4/12)
1003 最短路径问题 28.57%(16/56)
1004 Bus System 20.00%(1/5)
1005 find the safest road 54.55%(6/11)
1006 HDU Today 6.67%(4/60)
1007 一个人的旅行 42.86%(3/7)
1008 Minimum Transport Cost 22.22%(2/9)
1009 A strange lift 40.00%(2/5)
1010 Arbitrage 28.57%(2/7)
1011 Choose the best route 26.67%(4/15)
1012 Einbahnstrasse 40.00%(2/5)
1013 A Walk Through the Forest 0.00%(0/0)
1014 The shortest path 0.00%(0/0)