0_0_8897720_13417.cpp: In member function `void Segment_Tree::Push_Down(int)':
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:105: error: conflicting declaration 'll b'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:94: error: 'b' has a previous declaration as `int b'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:105: error: declaration of `ll b'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:94: error: conflicts with previous declaration `int b'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:106: error: conflicting declaration 'll c'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:93: error: 'c' has a previous declaration as `int c'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:106: error: declaration of `ll c'
0_0_8897720_13417.cpp:93: error: conflicts with previous declaration `int c'