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View Compilation Error

0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:7:8: error: too many decimal points in number
    7 | Update 1.95.1: The update addresses these issues.
      |        ^~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:9:8: error: too many decimal points in number
    9 | Update 1.95.2: The update addresses these issues.
      |        ^~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:11:8: error: too many decimal points in number
   11 | Update 1.95.3: The update addresses these issues.
      |        ^~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:13:115: error: missing terminating ' character
   13 | Welcome to the October 2024 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:
      |                                                                                                                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:22:7: error: missing terminating ' character
   22 | If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com. Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available.
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:27:48: error: stray '@' in program
   27 | Experimental - view the experimental features (@tag:experimental)
      |                                                ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:31:38: error: stray '@' in program
   31 | Preview - view the preview features (@tag:preview)
      |                                      ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:86:8: error: missing terminating ' character
   86 | Copilot's feedback shows up as comments in the editor, attached to lines of your code. Where possible, the comments include actionable code suggestions, which you can apply in one action.
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:92:8: error: missing terminating ' character
   92 | Copilot's quick review on code selection can provide feedback that match the specific practices of your team or project, provided you give the right context. When reviewing selections with custom review instructions, you can define those specific requirements via the setting(github.copilot.chat.reviewSelection.instructions) setting. Similar to code-generation and test-generation instructions, you can either define the instructions directly in the setting, or you can store them in a separate file and reference it in the setting.
      |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:117:64: error: stray '@' in program
  117 | GitHub Copilot has several built-in chat participants, such as @workspace, and you may have installed other extensions that contribute chat participants too.
      |                                                                ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:125:284: error: missing terminating ' character
  125 | This month, we also added an action to let you skip this detection behavior on a per-request basis. The default action when you enter a chat prompt is Send and dispatch, which includes participant detection. If you choose Send, the request is sent directly to Copilot Chat and it won't be automatically dispatched to a chat participant.
      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:138:296: error: stray '#' in program
  138 | There are no changes to the behavior of the editor context. When the active editor has a selection, then just the selection is included. Otherwise, just the code that is scrolled into view is included. You can still attach other files or the full file by using the paperclip button or by typing # in the chat prompt.
      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:141:169: error: stray '@' in program
  141 | A common use case of Copilot Chat is asking questions about the code in your workspace, such as using /tests to generate new unit tests for the selected code or asking @workspace to find some specific class or function in your project. This milestone, we added enhanced links for any workspace symbols that Copilot mentions in chat responses. These symbol links can help you better understand Copilot responses and learn more about the symbols used in them.
      |                                                                                                                                                                         ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:143:196: error: missing terminating ' character
  143 | Symbol links are rendered as little pills in the response, just like the file links we added last milestone. To start learn more about a symbol, just select the symbol link to jump to that symbol's definition:
      |                                                                                                                                                                                                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:148:47: error: missing terminating ' character
  148 | Hovering over a symbol link to see the file it's defined in.
      |                                               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:162:1: error: stray '@' in program
  162 | @workspace lets you ask questions about code in your current project. This is implemented using either GitHub's code search or a smart local index that VS Code constructs. This milestone, we added a few more UI elements that let you understand how this workspace index is being used.
      | ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:162:110: error: missing terminating ' character
  162 | @workspace lets you ask questions about code in your current project. This is implemented using either GitHub's code search or a smart local index that VS Code constructs. This milestone, we added a few more UI elements that let you understand how this workspace index is being used.
      |                                                                                                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:164:205: error: stray '@' in program
  164 | First up, the new GitHub Copilot: Build Local Workspace index command lets you explicitly start indexing the current workspace. This indexing is normally kicked off automatically the first time you ask a @workspace question. With the new command, you can instead start indexing at any time. The command also enables indexing of larger workspaces, currently up to 2000 files (not including ignored files, such as the node_modules or out directories).
      |                                                                                                                                                                                                             ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:170:94: error: stray '@' in program
  170 | Indexing workspaces with many hundreds of files can take a little time. If you try to ask an @workspace question while indexing is being constructed, instead of waiting, Copilot will try to respond quickly by using a simpler local index that can be built up more quickly. We now show a warning in the response when this happens:
      |                                                                                              ^
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:179:62: error: missing terminating ' character
  179 | To make more room for chat conversations in the Chat view, we've made follow-up prompts more concise and, by default, they only appear on the first turn. Configure the setting(github.copilot.chat.followUps) setting to change when follow-up prompts appear:
      |                                                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0_0_39863829_26119.cpp:199:140: error: missing terminating ' character
  199 | To use this functionality, simply trigger a log in action (either with a built-in feature like Settings Sync or with an extension), and you'll be given the option to log in to a different account. This feature also pairs nicely with the Account Preference Quick Pick, should you need to change the selected account at a later stage.
      |                                                                                                                                            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2024 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-12-23 06:21:40, Gzip enabled