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View Compilation Error

0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: In function 'double add(double, double)':
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:12:49: error: expected ';' before 'return'
   12 |         if(fabs(a+b) < EPS * (fabs(a) + fabs(b)) return 0;
      |                                                 ^~~~~~~
      |                                                 ;
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:13:9: error: expected primary-expression before 'return'
   13 |         return a + b;
      |         ^~~~~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:12:59: error: expected ')' before 'return'
   12 |         if(fabs(a+b) < EPS * (fabs(a) + fabs(b)) return 0;
      |           ~                                               ^
      |                                                           )
   13 |         return a + b;
      |         ~~~~~~                                             
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:42:3: error: field 'pset' has incomplete type 'P [100010][2]'
   42 | P pset[MAX][2];
      |   ^~~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:16:8: note: definition of 'struct P' is not complete until the closing brace
   16 | struct P
      |        ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:86:2: error: expected '}' at end of input
   86 | }
      |  ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:17:1: note: to match this '{'
   17 | {
      | ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: In constructor 'P::P(double, double)':
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:20:35: error: expected '}' before ']' token
   20 |         P(double x,double y) : x{x],y(y) {}
      |                                   ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:20:33: note: to match this '{'
   20 |         P(double x,double y) : x{x],y(y) {}
      |                                 ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:20:35: error: expected '{' before ']' token
   20 |         P(double x,double y) : x{x],y(y) {}
      |                                   ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: In member function 'double P::ccw(P, P, P)':
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:46:17: error: no match for 'operator-' (operand types are 'P' and 'P')
   46 |         P a = e - s,b = p - s;
      |               ~ ^ ~
      |               |   |
      |               P   P
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:47:14: error: 'struct P' has no member named 'det'
   47 |         if(a.det(b) > 0) return 1;              // a、b叉积为正说明p在线段的逆时针方向
      |              ^~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:47:18: error: 'b' was not declared in this scope
   47 |         if(a.det(b) > 0) return 1;              // a、b叉积为正说明p在线段的逆时针方向
      |                  ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:48:19: error: 'struct P' has no member named 'det'
   48 |         else if(a.det(b) < 0) return -1;        // 叉积为负 p 在线段的逆时针方向
      |                   ^~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:50:19: error: 'struct P' has no member named 'dot'
   50 |         else if(a.dot(b) < 0) return 2;         // 点积小于0 两向量反向
      |                   ^~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:51:19: error: 'struct P' has no member named 'dot'
   51 |         else if(a.dot(a) < b.dot(b)) return -2;   // a的长度小于b的长度 a在b上
      |                   ^~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: In member function 'int P::main()':
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:75:36: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
   75 |                                 fo(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
      |                                    ^~~
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:75:46: error: 'j' was not declared in this scope
   75 |                                 fo(int j=i+1;j<n;j++)
      |                                              ^
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_38806959_28649.cpp:86:2: error: expected unqualified-id at end of input
   86 | }
      |  ^

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Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-06-30 18:52:45, Gzip enabled