0_0_34664345_20429.cpp:25:1: error: missing terminating ' character
4) Exchange-card: a card with Q point. The one who gets this card must change one maximum-point card's point to Q.
0_0_34664345_20429.cpp:41:1: error: missing terminating ' character
For the next m lines, ith line contains Pi numbers indicate every Point-card's point of ith Point-card pile.
0_0_34664345_20429.cpp:1:1: error: 'Problem' does not name a type
Problem Description
0_0_34664345_20429.cpp:19:230: error: 'If' does not name a type
1) Challenge-card: no matter who takes this card, they both take one card with the maximum point from their own hands. After a comparison, if Happy's card has a larger point, He takes all the Wolffy's in-hands cards, vice versa; If there is a tie no more operation.