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View Compilation Error

0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'int Gauss()':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:25:28: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:27:30: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
         if(fabs(a[max_r][col])<eps)return 0;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:31:39: error: 'swap' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:32:31: error: 'swap' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'void build_gauss(int, int, int*, double*)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:62:13: error: 'CLR' was not declared in this scope
     CLR(a, 0);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'void bfs(int)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:90:16: error: 'CLR' was not declared in this scope
     CLR(num, -1);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:91:5: error: 'queue' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:91:11: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:94:5: error: 'q' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:100:26: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
             if (fabs(p[i]) < eps) continue; ///锛4锛夎繖鐐瑰緢閲嶈锛岃繖涓兂鍒颁笉鑳借揪鍒扮殑鐐,????
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'int main()':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:115:19: error: 'scanf' was not declared in this scope
     scanf("%d", &T);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:118:17: error: 'RII' was not declared in this scope
         RII(N, M);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:119:21: error: 'RIII' was not declared in this scope
         RIII(e, s, D);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:127:28: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:138:36: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
             printf("Impossible !\n");
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:144:49: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         if (Gauss()) printf("%.2lf\n", x[num[s]]);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:145:37: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         else printf("Impossible !\n");///杩斿洖0锛岃〃绀烘棤瑙
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:164:14: error: redefinition of 'const double eps'
 const double eps = 1e-9;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:13:14: note: 'const double eps' previously defined here
 const double eps = 1e-9;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:165:11: error: redefinition of 'const int MAXN'
 const int MAXN=220;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:14:11: note: 'const int MAXN' previously defined here
 const int MAXN=220;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:166:25: error: conflicting declaration 'double a [220][230]'
 double a[MAXN][MAXN + 10];///鏂圭▼鐨勫乏杈圭殑鐭╅樀鍜屾渶鍚庝竴鍒楀嵆cnt鍒楁槸绛夊紡鍙宠竟鐨勫硷紝姹傝В涔嬪悗鏈鍚庝竴鍒楀嵆cnt鍒梮瀛樼殑灏辨槸缁撴灉
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:15:8: note: previous declaration as 'double a [220][220]'
 double a[MAXN][MAXN],x[MAXN];///鏂圭▼鐨勫乏杈圭殑鐭╅樀鍜岀瓑寮忓彸杈圭殑鍊硷紝姹傝В涔嬪悗x瀛樼殑灏辨槸缁撴灉
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'int sgn(double)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:169:15: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     if (fabs(d) < eps) return 0;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'int Gauss(int, int)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:178:29: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
             if (fabs(a[i][c])>fabs(maxp)) maxp = a[pvt=i][c];
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:184:61: error: 'swap' was not declared in this scope
             for (j = r; j <= M; ++j) swap(a[r][j], a[pvt][j]);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:201:13: error: redefinition of 'int num [220]'
 int num[MAXN];///鏍囪鑳藉惁鍒拌揪
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:49:5: note: 'int num [220]' previously declared here
 int num[MAXN];///鏍囪鑳藉惁鍒拌揪
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:202:5: error: redefinition of 'int cnt'
 int cnt;///浠巗寮濮嬭兘鍒拌揪鐨勭偣鏁板嵆锛氭柟绋嬫暟鍜屾湭鐭ユ暟涓暟锛(1)杞悜(2)姒傜巼
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:50:5: note: 'int cnt' previously declared here
 int cnt;///浠巗寮濮嬭兘鍒拌揪鐨勭偣鏁板嵆锛氭柟绋嬫暟鍜屾湭鐭ユ暟涓暟锛(1)杞悜(2)姒傜巼
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:204:5: error: redefinition of 'int n'
 int n, N;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:52:5: note: 'int n' previously declared here
 int n, N;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:204:8: error: redefinition of 'int N'
 int n, N;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:52:8: note: 'int N' previously declared here
 int n, N;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:206:6: error: redefinition of 'int s'
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:54:6: note: 'int s' previously declared here
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:206:9: error: redefinition of 'int e'
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:54:9: note: 'int e' previously declared here
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:206:12: error: redefinition of 'int D'
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:54:12: note: 'int D' previously declared here
 int  s, e, D;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:207:5: error: redefinition of 'int M'
 int M;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:55:5: note: 'int M' previously declared here
 int M;
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:208:14: error: redefinition of 'double p [220]'
 double p[MAXN];
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:56:8: note: 'double p [220]' previously declared here
 double p[MAXN];
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'void build_gauss(int, int, int*, double*)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:211:6: error: redefinition of 'void build_gauss(int, int, int*, double*)'
 void build_gauss(int cnt, int M, int num[], double p[])///cnt鍜宯um[]锛 M鍜宲[]
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:59:6: note: 'void build_gauss(int, int, int*, double*)' previously defined here
 void build_gauss(int cnt, int M, int num[], double p[])
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:213:13: error: 'CLR' was not declared in this scope
     CLR(a, 0);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'void bfs(int)':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:238:6: error: redefinition of 'void bfs(int)'
 void bfs(int s)
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:88:6: note: 'void bfs(int)' previously defined here
 void bfs(int s)
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:240:16: error: 'CLR' was not declared in this scope
     CLR(num, -1);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:241:5: error: 'queue' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:241:11: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:244:5: error: 'q' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:250:26: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
             if (fabs(p[i]) < eps) continue; ///锛4锛夎繖鐐瑰緢閲嶈锛岃繖涓兂鍒颁笉鑳借揪鍒扮殑鐐,????
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp: In function 'int main()':
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:262:5: error: redefinition of 'int main()'
 int main ()
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:112:5: note: 'int main()' previously defined here
 int main ()
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:265:19: error: 'scanf' was not declared in this scope
     scanf("%d", &T);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:268:17: error: 'RII' was not declared in this scope
         RII(N, M);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:269:21: error: 'RIII' was not declared in this scope
         RIII(e, s, D);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:277:28: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:288:36: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
             printf("Impossible !\n");
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:294:67: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         if (Gauss(cnt, cnt) == 0) printf("%.2lf\n", a[num[s]][cnt]);
0_0_32864382_17201.cpp:295:37: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         else printf("Impossible !\n");///杩斿洖0锛岃〃绀烘棤瑙

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-06-29 22:25:15, Gzip enabled