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View Compilation Error

0_0_29611499_24710.cpp: In function 'void insert(int, int)':
0_0_29611499_24710.cpp:23:535: error: expected statement at end of input
 int sum(int *c,int x){ int ret = 0; while(x>0) {  ret += c[x];  x -= x&-x; } return ret;}struct data{ int s,a[305],c[20010]; data *nxt; data() {  MS(c,0);  nxt = NULL; }};int n,m;data *root;void insert(int x,int pos){ data *now = root; if(root == NULL) {  root = new data;  root->s = 1;  root->a[1] = x;  add(root->c,x,1);  return; } while(pos > now->s && now->nxt != NULL) {  pos -= now->s;  now = now->nxt; } memmove(now->a+pos+1,now->a+pos,sizeof(int)*(now->s-pos+1)); now->a[pos] = x; add(now->c,x,1); now->s++; if(now->s == 2*lim)//·ÖÁÑ {  data *lst = new data;  lst->nxt = now->nxt;  now->nxt = lst;  memcpy(lst->a+1,now->a+lim+1,sizeof(int)*lim);  lst->s = now->s = lim;  for(int i = 1; i <= lim; ++i)  {   add(now->c,lst->a[i],-1);   add(lst->c,lst->a[i],1);  } }}int find(int pos){ data *now = root; while(pos > now->s && now->nxt != NULL) {  pos -= now->s;  now = now->nxt; } return now->a[pos];}int calc(int pos){ data *now = root; int ret = 0; int x = find(pos); while(pos > now->s && now->nxt != NULL) {  ret += sum(now->c,20000) - sum(now->c,x);  pos -= now->s;  now = now->nxt; } for(int i = 1; i < pos; ++i)  if(now->a[i] > x) ret++; for(int i = pos+1; i <= now->s; ++i)  if(now->a[i] < x) ret++; while(now->nxt != NULL) {  now = now->nxt;  ret += sum(now->c,x-1); } return ret;}void del(int pos){ data *now = root; while(pos > now->s && now->nxt != NULL) {  pos -= now->s;  now = now->nxt; } add(now->c,now->a[pos],-1); memmove(now->a+pos,now->a+pos+1,sizeof(int)*(now->s-pos)); now->s--;}void destroy(data *now){ if(now->nxt != NULL) destroy(now->nxt); delete now;}void solve(){ root = NULL;int ope,u,v,ans = 0; int x,y; for(int i = 1;  i <= n; ++i) {  scanf("%d",&u);  insert(u,i);  ans += calc(i); } for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {  scanf("%d",&ope);  if(ope == 1)  {   scanf("%d",&x);   ans -= calc(x);   del(x);  }  else  {   scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);   insert(y,x+1);   ans += calc(x+1);  }  printf("%d\n",ans); } destroy(root);}int main(){ while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m))  solve(); return 0;}
0_0_29611499_24710.cpp:23:535: error: expected '}' at end of input

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