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View Compilation Error

0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int MIN(int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:151: error: redefinition of `int MIN(int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:7: error: `int MIN(int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int MAX(int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:152: error: redefinition of `int MAX(int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:8: error: `int MAX(int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:157: error: redefinition of `const int N'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:13: error: `const int N' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:159: error: redefinition of `struct REC'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:15: error: previous definition of `struct REC'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:161: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:161: error: conflicting declaration 'int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: 'rec' has a previous declaration as `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:161: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: previous external decl of `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:161: error: declaration of `int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: conflicts with previous declaration `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:164: error: redefinition of `struct TREE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:20: error: previous definition of `struct TREE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:167: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:167: error: conflicting declaration 'int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: 'tree' has a previous declaration as `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:167: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: previous external decl of `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:167: error: declaration of `int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: conflicts with previous declaration `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `void Build(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:169: error: redefinition of `void Build(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:25: error: `void Build(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `void Insert(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:182: error: redefinition of `void Insert(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:38: error: `void Insert(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int Query(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:192: error: redefinition of `int Query(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:48: error: `int Query(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:205: error: redefinition of `struct NODE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:61: error: previous definition of `struct NODE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:208: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:208: error: conflicting declaration 'int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: 'node' has a previous declaration as `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:208: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: previous external decl of `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:208: error: declaration of `int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: conflicts with previous declaration `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:210: error: redefinition of `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:66: error: `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:214: error: redefinition of `std::priority_queue<NODE, std::vector<NODE, std::allocator<NODE> >, std::less<NODE> > q'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:70: error: `std::priority_queue<NODE, std::vector<NODE, std::allocator<NODE> >, std::less<NODE> > q' previously declared here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:217: error: redefinition of `int dp[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:73: error: `int dp[100010]' previously declared here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:218: error: redefinition of `int x[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:74: error: `int x[100010]' previously declared here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:218: error: redefinition of `int tot'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:74: error: `int tot' previously declared here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `bool cmp(const REC&, const REC&)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:220: error: redefinition of `bool cmp(const REC&, const REC&)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:76: error: `bool cmp(const REC&, const REC&)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int BS(int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:224: error: redefinition of `int BS(int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:80: error: `int BS(int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int main()':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:236: error: redefinition of `int main()'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:92: error: `int main()' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int MIN(int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:295: error: redefinition of `int MIN(int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:7: error: `int MIN(int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int MAX(int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:296: error: redefinition of `int MAX(int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:8: error: `int MAX(int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:301: error: redefinition of `const int N'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:13: error: `const int N' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:303: error: redefinition of `struct REC'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:15: error: previous definition of `struct REC'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:305: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:305: error: conflicting declaration 'int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: 'rec' has a previous declaration as `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:305: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: previous external decl of `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:305: error: declaration of `int rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:17: error: conflicts with previous declaration `REC rec[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:308: error: redefinition of `struct TREE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:20: error: previous definition of `struct TREE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:311: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:311: error: conflicting declaration 'int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: 'tree' has a previous declaration as `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:311: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: previous external decl of `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:311: error: declaration of `int tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:23: error: conflicts with previous declaration `TREE tree[400040]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `void Build(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:313: error: redefinition of `void Build(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:25: error: `void Build(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `void Insert(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:326: error: redefinition of `void Insert(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:38: error: `void Insert(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `int Query(int, int, int)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:336: error: redefinition of `int Query(int, int, int)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:48: error: `int Query(int, int, int)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:349: error: redefinition of `struct NODE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:61: error: previous definition of `struct NODE'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:352: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:352: error: conflicting declaration 'int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: 'node' has a previous declaration as `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:352: error: type mismatch with previous external decl of `int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: previous external decl of `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:352: error: declaration of `int node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:64: error: conflicts with previous declaration `NODE node[100010]'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: In function `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)':
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:354: error: redefinition of `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:66: error: `bool operator<(const NODE&, const NODE&)' previously defined here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:358: error: redefinition of `std::priority_queue<NODE, std::vector<NODE, std::allocator<NODE> >, std::less<NODE> > q'
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:70: error: `std::priority_queue<NODE, std::vector<NODE, std::allocator<NODE> >, std::less<NODE> > q' previously declared here
0_0_2660646_10665.cpp:361: error: redefinition of `int dp[100010]'

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
Copyright © 2005-2024 HDU ACM Team. All Rights Reserved.
Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-12-02 04:11:28, Gzip enabled