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View Compilation Error

0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:10:1: error: 'll' does not name a type
 ll Pow(ll x, ll y) {
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:22:5: error: 'll' does not name a type
     ll a[D], f[D], g[D], p[D], p1[D], p2[D];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:24:5: error: 'll' does not name a type
     ll calcn(int d, ll *a, ll n) {
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp: In function 'void polysum::init(int)':
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:45:9: error: 'f' was not declared in this scope
         f[0] = f[1] = g[0] = g[1] = 1;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:45:23: error: 'g' was not declared in this scope
         f[0] = f[1] = g[0] = g[1] = 1;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:47:41: error: 'Pow' was not declared in this scope
         g[M + 4] = Pow(f[M + 4], mod - 2);
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp: At global scope:
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:51:5: error: 'll' does not name a type
     ll polysum(ll n,ll *a,ll m) { // a[0].. a[m] \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a[i]
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:59:1: error: 'll' does not name a type
 ll a, b, ans;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:61:1: error: 'll' does not name a type
 ll l[N], r[N];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:62:8: error: 'pii' was not declared in this scope
 vector<pii> pos;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:62:11: error: template argument 1 is invalid
 vector<pii> pos;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:62:11: error: template argument 2 is invalid
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:62:16: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
 vector<pii> pos;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:63:1: error: 'll' does not name a type
 ll g[N];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp: In function 'void solve()':
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:67:13: error: request for member 'clear' in 'pos', which is of non-class type 'int'
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:70:21: error: request for member 'PB' in 'pos', which is of non-class type 'int'
                 pos.PB(pii(-s[j], j));
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:70:36: error: 'pii' was not declared in this scope
                 pos.PB(pii(-s[j], j));
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:72:22: error: request for member 'size' in 'pos', which is of non-class type 'int'
         int sz = pos.size();
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:73:18: error: request for member 'begin' in 'pos', which is of non-class type 'int'
         sort(pos.begin(), pos.end());
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:73:31: error: request for member 'end' in 'pos', which is of non-class type 'int'
         sort(pos.begin(), pos.end());
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:76:26: error: invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript
             int x = pos[j].second, y = s[x];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:77:13: error: 'l' was not declared in this scope
             l[j] = (a + n - 1 - x) / n;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:77:21: error: 'a' was not declared in this scope
             l[j] = (a + n - 1 - x) / n;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:78:13: error: 'r' was not declared in this scope
             r[j] = (b - x) < 0 ? -1 : (b - x) / n;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:78:21: error: 'b' was not declared in this scope
             r[j] = (b - x) < 0 ? -1 : (b - x) / n;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:80:42: error: 'l' was not declared in this scope
         for (int j = 0; j < sz; ++j) if (l[j] <= r[j]) {
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:80:50: error: 'r' was not declared in this scope
         for (int j = 0; j < sz; ++j) if (l[j] <= r[j]) {
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:81:13: error: 'll' was not declared in this scope
             ll valj = s[pos[j].second];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:83:20: error: expected ';' before 'valk'
                 ll valk = s[pos[k].second];
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:84:20: error: expected ';' before 'dis'
                 ll dis = (valj - valk) / n;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:85:32: error: 'dis' was not declared in this scope
                 if (max(l[j] + dis, l[k]) > min(r[j] + dis, r[k])) continue;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:86:20: error: expected ';' before 'val'
                 ll val = (max(l[j] + dis, l[k]) * n + valk) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:87:20: error: expected ';' before 'pj'
                 ll pj = pos[j].second + (val - valj);
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:88:20: error: expected ';' before 'pk'
                 ll pk = pos[k].second + (val - valk);
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:89:20: error: expected ';' before 'sum'
                 ll sum = 0;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:91:24: error: expected ';' before 'tmp'
                     ll tmp = val * ((pj - a + 1) % mod) % mod * ((b - pk + 1) % mod) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:92:33: error: 'tmp' was not declared in this scope
                     if (j != k) tmp = tmp * 2 % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:93:21: error: 'sum' was not declared in this scope
                     sum = ((sum + tmp) % mod + mod) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:93:35: error: 'tmp' was not declared in this scope
                     sum = ((sum + tmp) % mod + mod) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:94:21: error: 'g' was not declared in this scope
                     g[q] = sum;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:95:21: error: 'val' was not declared in this scope
                     val = (val + n) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:96:21: error: 'pj' was not declared in this scope
                     pj = (pj + n) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:97:21: error: 'pk' was not declared in this scope
                     pk = (pk + n) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:99:17: error: 'ans' was not declared in this scope
                 ans = (ans + polysum::calcn(4, g, min(r[j] + dis, r[k]) - max(l[j] + dis, l[k]))) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:99:30: error: 'calcn' is not a member of 'polysum'
                 ans = (ans + polysum::calcn(4, g, min(r[j] + dis, r[k]) - max(l[j] + dis, l[k]))) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:99:48: error: 'g' was not declared in this scope
                 ans = (ans + polysum::calcn(4, g, min(r[j] + dis, r[k]) - max(l[j] + dis, l[k]))) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:99:62: error: 'dis' was not declared in this scope
                 ans = (ans + polysum::calcn(4, g, min(r[j] + dis, r[k]) - max(l[j] + dis, l[k]))) % mod;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp: In function 'int main()':
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:112:9: error: 'ans' was not declared in this scope
         ans = 0;
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:113:34: error: 'a' was not declared in this scope
         scanf("%d%lld%lld", &n, &a, &b);
0_0_25419947_14320.cpp:113:38: error: 'b' was not declared in this scope
         scanf("%d%lld%lld", &n, &a, &b);

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-06-26 18:36:02, Gzip enabled