Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(15) Error: Undeclared identifier: 'Format'
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(15) Error: Illegal character in input file: '%' ($25)
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(16) Error: Illegal character in input file: '"' ($22)
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(16) Error: Illegal character in input file: '%' ($25)
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(16) Error: Incompatible types: 'Integer' and 'String'
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(17) Error: ',' or ')' expected but ';' found
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(18) Error: Record, object or class type required
0_0_2495381_22861.pas(19) Error: 'END' expected but end of file found