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View Compilation Error

0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:5:29: error: 'acos' was not declared in this scope
 const double pi = acos (-1.0);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int dcmp(double)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:8:16: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     if (fabs (x) < eps) return 0;
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'void Point::input()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:17:43: error: 'scanf' was not declared in this scope
     void input () {scanf ("%lf%lf", &x, &y);}
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'void Point::output()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:18:48: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
     void output () {printf ("%.2f %.2f\n", x, y);}
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'double Point::len()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:41:29: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
         return sqrt (len2 ());
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'Point Point::rotate(Point, double)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:57:28: error: 'cos' was not declared in this scope
         double c = cos (ang), s = sin (ang);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:58:41: error: 's' was not declared in this scope
         return Point (p.x + v.x*c - v.y*s, p.y + v.x*s + v.y*c);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double rad(Point, Point)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:79:43: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     return fabs (atan2 (fabs (cross (a, b)), dot (a, b)) );
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:79:56: error: 'atan2' was not declared in this scope
     return fabs (atan2 (fabs (cross (a, b)), dot (a, b)) );
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:79:58: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     return fabs (atan2 (fabs (cross (a, b)), dot (a, b)) );
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:79:58: error: redeclaration of '<typeprefixerror>fabs'
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:79:43: note: previous declaration '<typeprefixerror>fabs'
     return fabs (atan2 (fabs (cross (a, b)), dot (a, b)) );
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In constructor 'Line::Line(Point, double)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:98:39: error: 'tan' was not declared in this scope
             e = s + Point (1, tan (ang));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'void Line::adjust()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:120:30: error: 'swap' was not declared in this scope
         if (e < s) swap (e, s);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'double Line::angle()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:126:43: error: 'atan2' was not declared in this scope
         double k = atan2 (e.y-s.y, e.x-s.x);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double point_to_line(Point, Line)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:186:54: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     return fabs (cross (p-a.s, a.e-a.s) / a.length ());
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double point_to_seg(Point, Line)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:191:47: error: 'min' was not declared in this scope
         return min (dis (p, a.e), dis (p, a.s));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'void Circle::input()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:217:25: error: 'scanf' was not declared in this scope
         scanf ("%lf", &r);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In member function 'void Circle::output()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:221:29: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         printf (" %.2f\n", r);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int relation(Circle, Circle)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:253:29: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     double l = fabs (a.r-v.r);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'Circle in_circle(Point, Point, Point)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:269:39: error: 'atan2' was not declared in this scope
     double m = atan2 (b.y-a.y, b.x-a.x), n = atan2 (c.y-a.y, c.x-a.x);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:271:28: error: 'n' was not declared in this scope
     u.e = u.s+Point (cos ((n+m)/2), sin ((n+m)/2));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:271:34: error: 'cos' was not declared in this scope
     u.e = u.s+Point (cos ((n+m)/2), sin ((n+m)/2));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:271:49: error: 'sin' was not declared in this scope
     u.e = u.s+Point (cos ((n+m)/2), sin ((n+m)/2));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int circle_intersection(Circle, Circle, Point&, Point&)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:287:29: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
                      r - l*l);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int line_cirlce_intersection(Line, Circle, Point&, Point&)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:300:28: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
     d = sqrt (u.r*u.r - d*d);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int tan_line(Point, Circle, Line&, Line&)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:376:35: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
     double h = sqrt (a.r*a.r - l*l);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double area_circle(Circle, Circle)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:385:51: error: 'min' was not declared in this scope
     if (rel <= 2) return min (a.area (), v.area ());
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:388:52: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
     double ss = 2*sqrt (hf*(hf-a.r)*(hf-v.r)*(hf-d));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:389:56: error: 'acos' was not declared in this scope
     double a1 = acos ((a.r*a.r+d*d-v.r*v.r) / (2*a.r*d));
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double circle_traingle_area(Point, Point, Circle)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:408:25: error: 'swap' was not declared in this scope
         swap (q[1], q[2]);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:416:50: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
             res += fabs (cross (q[i]-p, q[i+1]-p))/2;
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'double area_polygon_circle(Circle, Point*, int)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:494:21: error: 'fabs' was not declared in this scope
     return fabs (ans);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int convex_hull(Point*, Point*, int)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:513:17: error: 'sort' was not declared in this scope
     sort (p, p+n);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'Circle get_cir(Point, Point, double)':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:537:44: error: 'sqrt' was not declared in this scope
     double r = sqrt((d * d + e * e) / 4 - f);
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp: In function 'int main()':
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:547:27: error: 'scanf' was not declared in this scope
     while (~scanf("%d", &n)) {
0_0_24941724_29851.cpp:552:94: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
         printf("Case %d: %.9f\n", ++icase, area_polygon_circle(get_cir(a, b, 1 / k), poly, n));

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Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-12-02 18:29:19, Gzip enabled