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View Compilation Error

0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:3:6: error: expected nested-name-specifier before '&' token
 using namespace std;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:3:21: error: expected identifier before '&' token
 using namespace std;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:3:26: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
 using namespace std;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:3:27: error: 'std' does not name a type
 using namespace std;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: error: 'nbsp' declared as reference but not initialized
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:19: error: conflicting declaration 'double& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:24: error: 'inf' does not name a type
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:34: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:5:8: error: conflicting declaration 'double& nbsp'
 double math[105][105],matx[105][105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:5:13: error: 'math' does not name a type
 double math[105][105],matx[105][105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:6:7: error: expected identifier before '&' token
 struct point
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:6:12: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
 struct point
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:6:12: error: conflicting declaration 'int& nbsp'
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:6:13: error: 'point' does not name a type
 struct point
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:10:1: error: 'point' does not name a type
 point hy[105][105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:10:12: error: 'hy' does not name a type
 point hy[105][105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:11:5: error: conflicting declaration 'int& nbsp'
 int num[105],coll[105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:11:10: error: 'num' does not name a type
 int num[105],coll[105];
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:12:6: error: conflicting declaration 'bool& nbsp'
 bool eq(point e,point d)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:12:13: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
 bool eq(point e,point d)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:12:25: error: 'e' does not name a type
 bool eq(point e,point d)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:12:38: error: 'd' does not name a type
 bool eq(point e,point d)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:18:8: error: conflicting declaration 'double& nbsp'
 double prim(double mat[][105],int n)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:18:29: error: expected ')' before ';' token
 double prim(double mat[][105],int n)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:18:29: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ';' token
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:18:30: error: 'mat' does not name a type
 double prim(double mat[][105],int n)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:18:50: error: 'n' does not name a type
 double prim(double mat[][105],int n)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:48:5: error: conflicting declaration 'int& nbsp'
 int main()
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:4:7: note: previous declaration as 'const int& nbsp'
 const double inf= 1000000000;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp: In function 'int main()':
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:50:29: error: 'nbsp' declared as reference but not initialized
     int n,m;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:50:34: error: 'n' was not declared in this scope
     int n,m;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:50:36: error: 'm' was not declared in this scope
     int n,m;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:51:31: error: 'cin' was not declared in this scope
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:51:31: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from 0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:1:0:
GCC4.9.2/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/c++/iostream:60:18: note:   'std::cin'
   extern istream cin;  /// Linked to standard input
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:53:49: error: 'cin' was not declared in this scope
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:53:49: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from 0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:1:0:
GCC4.9.2/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/c++/iostream:60:18: note:   'std::cin'
   extern istream cin;  /// Linked to standard input
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:54:56: error: 'num' was not declared in this scope
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:54:73: error: 'memset' was not declared in this scope
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:55:57: error: 'nbsp' declared as reference but not initialized
         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:55:62: error: 'i' was not declared in this scope
         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:55:69: error: expected ')' before ';' token
         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:55:70: error: 'i' was not declared in this scope
         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:57:73: error: 'point' was not declared in this scope
             point d;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:57:84: error: 'd' was not declared in this scope
             point d;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:58:77: error: 'nbsp' declared as reference but not initialized
             int id,j;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:58:82: error: 'id' was not declared in this scope
             int id,j;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:58:85: error: 'j' was not declared in this scope
             int id,j;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:62:103: error: 'hy' was not declared in this scope
                 if(eq(hy[id-1][j],d)) break;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:62:116: error: 'eq' was not declared in this scope
                 if(eq(hy[id-1][j],d)) break;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:62:124: error: break statement not within loop or switch
                 if(eq(hy[id-1][j],d)) break;
0_0_23345871_4016.cpp:66:97: error: 'hy' was not declared in this scope

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.001000(s) query 1, Server time : 2025-02-18 15:59:19, Gzip enabled