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View Compilation Error

0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\323' in program
  Dodo should go to the plant with the most peanuts first. After picking them, he should then go to the next plant with the most peanuts, and so on.于是可以直接模拟了。
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\332' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\312' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\307' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\277' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\311' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\322' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\324' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\326' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\261' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\275' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\323' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\304' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\243' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\304' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\342' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\301' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\313' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\241' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: stray '\243' in program
0_0_20898015_9725.cpp:1:2: error: 'Dodo' does not name a type

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-12-02 05:11:36, Gzip enabled