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View Compilation Error

0_0_20613284_18168.cpp: In function 'double maxSlopeAbs(point*, int, pii&)':
0_0_20613284_18168.cpp:4:1973: error: expected '}' at end of input
     using namespace std;typedef double typev;typedef pair<int, int> pii;const int N = 100005;const double eps = 1e-8;const double DINF = 1e40;const double pi = acos(-1.0); template<typename T>void getSNum(T& ans){    char ch;    int s;    while(true){        ch = getchar();        if((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '-') break;    }    if(ch == '-'){        s = -1;        ans = 0;    }else{        s = 1;        ans = ch -'0';    }    while(true){        ch = getchar();        if(!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break;        ans = ans*10+ch-'0';    }    ans *= s;} int sign(double a){    return a < -eps ? -1 : (a > eps);}struct point{    typev x, y;    int id;    void read(){        scanf("%lf%lf", &x, &y);    }    void print(){        printf("(%lf, %lf)\n", x, y);    }    point(typev _x=0, typev _y=0):x(_x), y(_y) {}}ps[N], que[N];int n;point k;typev xmul(point st, point ed1, point ed2){    return (ed1.x-st.x)*(ed2.y-st.y) - (ed1.y-st.y)*(ed2.x-st.x) ;}bool isLess(pii a, pii b){    return a.first < b.first || (a.first == b.first && a.second < b.second);}double maxSlope(point *ps, int n, pii& ans){    int l, r, i, k;    double s, tmp;    pii ti;    l = r = 0;    que[r++] = ps[0];    s = -DINF;    for(i = 1; i < n; i++){        while(r-l >= 2){            k = sign(xmul(que[l], que[l+1], ps[i]));            if(k < 0 || (k == 0 && que[l].id < que[l+1].id)) break;            l++;        }        tmp = (ps[i].y-que[l].y)/(ps[i].x-que[l].x);        ti.first = que[l].id; ti.second = ps[i].id;        if(sign(s-tmp) < 0 || (sign(s-tmp) == 0 && isLess(ti, ans))){            s = tmp;            ans = ti;        }        while(r-l >= 2){            k = sign(xmul(que[r-2], que[r-1], ps[i]));            if(k > 0 || (k == 0 && que[r-1].id < ps[i].id)) break;            r--;        }        que[r++] = ps[i];    }    return s;}bool cmpp(point a, point b){    return (a.x < b.x) || (sign(a.x-b.x) == 0 && a.y < b.y);} double maxSlopeAbs(point* ps, int n, pii& ans){    //棣ゆ圭x肩哥    sort(ps, ps+n, cmpp);    double s = -DINF;    int i, j, mi;    pii ti;    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){        for(j = i; j < n && sign(ps[j].x-ps[i].x) == 0; j++) ;        if(j-i > 1){            for(mi=ps[i].id, i++; i < j; i++){                ti.first = mi;                ti.second = ps[i].id;                if(s < 0 || (s > 0 && isLess(ti, ans))){                    s = DINF;                    ans = ti;                }                if(mi > ps[i].id){                    mi = ps[i].id;                }            }        }        i = j-1;    }    if(s > 0){        return s;    }    s = maxSlope(ps, n, ans);    double tmp;    int l, r;    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){        ps[i].x = 0 - ps[i].x;    }    l = 0; r = n-1;    while(l < r){        swap(ps[l++], ps[r--]);    }    tmp = maxSlope(ps, n, ti);    if(sign(tmp-s) > 0 || (sign(tmp-s) == 0 && isLess(ti, ans))){        s = tmp;        ans = ti;    }    return s;}point rotate(point st, double Cos, double Sin){    return point(st.x*Sin- st.y*Cos, st.x*Cos+st.y*Sin);}bool input(){    if(scanf("%d", &n) == EOF) return false;    k.read();    int i, g;    double Cos, Sin, len;    len = sqrt(k.x*k.x+k.y*k.y);    Cos = k.x / len;    Sin = k.y / len;    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){        getSNum(g);        ps[i].x = g;        getSNum(g);        ps[i].y = g;        ps[i] = rotate(ps[i], Cos, Sin);        ps[i].id = i+1;    }    return true;}void solve(){    pii ans;    if(k.x == 0 && k.y == 0){        ans.first = 1;        ans.second = 2;    }else{        maxSlopeAbs(ps, n, ans);    }    printf("%d %d\n", ans.first, ans.second);}int main(){    while(input()) solve();    return 0;}

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