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View Compilation Error

0_0_20612754_2281.cpp: In function 'void cal(int, Line)':
0_0_20612754_2281.cpp:6:811: error: expected statement at end of input
     using namespace std; const int M=10010;const int N=510;char s[110];struct Line{    __int64 x1, y1, x2, y2;} ll[N], pos;int n, flag[M*2], ans; void input(__int64 &a){    scanf("%s", &s);    int i, j, len=strlen(s);    a = 0;    i = 0;    if(s[0]=='-')        i++;    for(; i<len && s[i]!='.'; i++)    {        a *= 10;        a += s[i]-'0';    }    for(i++, j=0; i<len; i++, j++)    {        a *= 10;        a += s[i]-'0';    }    while(j<4)    {        a *= 10;        j++;    }    if(s[0]=='-')        a = -a;} void cal(int i, Line li){    if(li.x1==li.x2)    {        if(li.x1==i*10000)        {            if(li.y1>li.y2)                swap(li.y1, li.y2);            if(li.y1<=0)                         li.y1 = li.y1/10000;             else                li.y1 = li.y1/10000+1;            if(li.y2>=0) //...                li.y2 /= 10000;            else                li.y2 = li.y2/10000-1;            for(int j=li.y1; j<=li.y2; j++)            {                if(flag[j+M]!=i)                {                    flag[j+M] = i;                    ans++;                }            }        }        return;    }    if(!(li.x1<=i*10000 && i*10000<=li.x2) )        return;    if((i*10000-li.x1)*(li.y2-li.y1)%(li.x2-li.x1)==0)    {        int j = (i*10000-li.x1)*(li.y2-li.y1)/(li.x2-li.x1)+li.y1;        if(j%10000==0)        {            j /= 10000;            if(flag[j+M]!=i)            {                flag[j+M] = i;                ans++;            }        }    }} int main(){    int i, j, cas, cas1;     scanf("%d", &cas);    for(cas1=1; cas1<=cas; cas1++)    {        scanf("%d", &n);        pos.x1 = M*M*10;        pos.x2 = -M*M*10;        for(i=0; i<n; i++)        {            input(ll[i].x1);            input(ll[i].y1);            input(ll[i].x2);            input(ll[i].y2);            if(ll[i].x1 > ll[i].x2)            {                swap(ll[i].x1, ll[i].x2);                swap(ll[i].y1, ll[i].y2);            }            if(ll[i].x1<pos.x1)                pos.x1 = ll[i].x1;            if(ll[i].x2<pos.x1)                pos.x1 = ll[i].x2;            if(ll[i].x1>pos.x2)                pos.x2 = ll[i].x1;            if(ll[i].x2>pos.x2)                pos.x2 = ll[i].x2;        }        for(i=0; i<M*2; i++)            flag[i] = -1000000;        ans = 0;        pos.x1 /= 10000;        pos.x1--;         pos.x2 /= 10000;        pos.x2++;        for(i=pos.x1; i<=pos.x2; i++)        {            for(j=0; j<n; j++)            {                cal(i, ll[j]);            }        }        printf("Case %d: %d\n", cas1, ans);    }    return 0;}
0_0_20612754_2281.cpp:6:811: error: expected '}' at end of input
0_0_20612754_2281.cpp:6:811: error: expected '}' at end of input
0_0_20612754_2281.cpp:6:811: error: expected '}' at end of input

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Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2025-02-19 06:21:05, Gzip enabled