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View Compilation Error

0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:2:16: error: too many decimal points in number
     a,b:array [0..10000] of string;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:46:20: error: empty character constant
     readln(s);  s:='';
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:53:26: error: empty character constant
             try(1,k); s:='';
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:1:1: error: 'var' does not name a type
 var n,m,i,j,k:longint;  s:string;  c:char;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:1:26: error: found ':' in nested-name-specifier, expected '::'
 var n,m,i,j,k:longint;  s:string;  c:char;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:1:25: error: 's' does not name a type
 var n,m,i,j,k:longint;  s:string;  c:char;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:1:36: error: 'c' does not name a type
 var n,m,i,j,k:longint;  s:string;  c:char;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:2:5: error: 'a' does not name a type
     a,b:array [0..10000] of string;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:3:1: error: 'procedure' does not name a type
 procedure try(l,r:longint);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:4:1: error: 'var' does not name a type
 var mid:longint;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:5:1: error: 'begin' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:7:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
     if l>r then begin write(s); exit; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:7:33: error: 'exit' does not name a type
     if l>r then begin write(s); exit; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:7:39: error: 'end' does not name a type
     if l>r then begin write(s); exit; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:8:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
     if l=r then
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:11:9: error: 'exit' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:12:5: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:13:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
     if b[mid]>s then try(mid+1,r) else
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:16:24: error: 'exit' does not name a type
         write(a[mid]); exit;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:17:5: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:18:1: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:19:1: error: 'procedure' does not name a type
 procedure qsort(l,r:longint);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:20:1: error: 'var' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:21:18: error: 'x' does not name a type
     i,j:longint; x,y:string;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:22:1: error: 'begin' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:23:11: error: 'j' does not name a type
     i:=l; j:=r; x:=b[(l+r) div 2];
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:23:17: error: 'x' does not name a type
     i:=l; j:=r; x:=b[(l+r) div 2];
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:24:5: error: 'repeat' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:26:9: error: expected unqualified-id before 'while'
         while x<b[j] do dec(j);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:27:9: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
         if not(i>j) then
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:29:22: error: 'b' does not name a type
             y:=b[i]; b[i]:=b[j]; b[j]:=y;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:29:34: error: 'b' does not name a type
             y:=b[i]; b[i]:=b[j]; b[j]:=y;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:30:13: error: 'y' does not name a type
             y:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=y;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:30:22: error: 'a' does not name a type
             y:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=y;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:30:34: error: 'a' does not name a type
             y:=a[i]; a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:=y;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:31:16: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
             inc(i); j:=j-1;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:31:21: error: 'j' does not name a type
             inc(i); j:=j-1;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:32:9: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:33:5: error: 'until' does not name a type
     until i>j;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:34:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
     if l<j then qsort(l,j);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:35:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
     if i<r then qsort(i,r);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:36:1: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:37:1: error: 'begin' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:38:16: error: 'k' does not name a type
     readln(s); k:=0;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:39:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'while'
     while s<>'END' do
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:41:23: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
         readln(s); inc(k);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:42:9: error: 'a' does not name a type
         a[k]:=copy(s,1,pos(' ',s)-1);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:43:9: error: 'b' does not name a type
         b[k]:=copy(s,pos(' ',s)+1,length(s));
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:44:5: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:45:10: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:46:11: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
     readln(s);  s:='';
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:46:17: error: 's' does not name a type
     readln(s);  s:='';
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:47:5: error: expected unqualified-id before 'while'
     while s<>'END' do
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:50:9: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
         if c='E' then begin read(c); read(c); break; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:50:42: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
         if c='E' then begin read(c); read(c); break; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:50:47: error: expected unqualified-id before 'break'
         if c='E' then begin read(c); read(c); break; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:50:54: error: 'end' does not name a type
         if c='E' then begin read(c); read(c); break; end;
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:51:9: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
         if (c>='a') and (c<='z') then s:=s+c else
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:53:23: error: 's' does not name a type
             try(1,k); s:='';
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:54:13: error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
             if ord(c)=13 then writeln else write(c);
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:55:9: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:56:5: error: 'end' does not name a type
0_0_20365166_3586.cpp:57:1: error: 'end' does not name a type

Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-12-03 10:08:17, Gzip enabled