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View Compilation Error

0_0_18470113_22347.cpp:1:9: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
 #include#include#includeusing%20namespace%20std;int%20main(){ char%20a[250],num[10]; int%20i,j,len,k,temp,t=0; double%20x,y,dis; while(cina) {  t++;  len=strlen(a);  if(a[0]=='E'&&a[1]=='N'&&a[2]=='D')//输入END结束。   break;  k=0;  x=y=0;  for(i=0;i='0'&&a[i]='0') )//对应各自方向进行计算移动后坐标。     y+=temp;    else if(a[i-1]=='E'&&( a[i-2]='0') )     x+=temp;    else if(a[i-1]=='W'&&( a[i-2]='0') )     x-=temp;    else if(a[i-1]=='S'&&( a[i-2]='0') )     y-=temp;    else if(a[i-1]=='E'&&a[i-2]=='N' )    {     x+=s;     y+=s;    }    else if(a[i-1]=='E'&&a[i-2]=='S' )    {     x+=s;     y-=s;    }    else if(a[i-1]=='W'&&a[i-2]=='S' )    {     x-=s;     y-=s;    }    else if(a[i-1]=='W'&&a[i-2]=='N' )    {     x-=s;     y+=s;    }    k=0;   }  }  dis=sqrt(x*x+y*y);//计算距离。  printf("Map #%d\n",t);  printf("The treasure is located at (%.3lf,%.3lf).\n",x,y);  printf("The distance to the treasure is %.3lf.\n\n",dis); } return 0;}                              

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