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View Compilation Error

0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:3:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #max
 #max map hight
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:5:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #max
 #max map width
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:7:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #max
 #max starts nums
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:11:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #get
 #get starts info from file and return a list that contains every start color and position
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:20:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #check
 #check whether the move is valid
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:45:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #get
 #get the current status loops return a list that contains every loop info and the last ele of the loop is the color
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:108:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #dfs
 #dfs for the given depth search default depth = 3
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:113:18: error: empty character constant
     mapInfoStr = ''.join([str(v) for v in mapInfo])
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:121:10: error: invalid preprocessing directive #print
         #print('starts =', starts)
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:122:10: error: invalid preprocessing directive #print
        # print('cntScore=',cntScore)
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:124:10: error: invalid preprocessing directive #print
        # print('score=',score)
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:125:10: error: invalid preprocessing directive #print
        # print('status=',printStatus(mapInfo))
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:160:11: error: empty character constant
     ans = ''.join([str(v) for v in mapInfo])
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:165:54: error: empty character constant
         ansStatus,cntScore,totalStatus = ansList.get(''.join([str(v) for v in ansStatus]))
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:1:1: error: 'import' does not name a type
 import Image
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:10:1: error: 'ansList' does not name a type
 ansList = {}
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:12:1: error: 'def' does not name a type
 def getMapInfo(mapFile):
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:23:5: error: 'def' does not name a type
     def down():
0_0_17734957_21578.cpp:50:5: error: 'loops' does not name a type
     loops = []

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Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
Total 0.000000(s) query 1, Server time : 2024-06-30 17:56:39, Gzip enabled