Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(2) Error: Undeclared identifier: 'qword'
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(34) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(44) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(50) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(58) Warning: Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(59) Warning: Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(63) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(69) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(73) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(79) Error: Missing operator or semicolon
0_0_11832443_14741.pas(89) Error: Missing operator or semicolon