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Divide the Stones

Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1962    Accepted Submission(s): 589
Special Judge

Problem Description
There are n stones numbered from 1 to n.
The weight of the i-th stone is i kilograms. We divide the stones into k groups.
Each group consists of exactly stones.
We define the weight of each group is sum of the stones¡¯ weights in the group.
Can we divide the stones so that the weights of all groups are same?

The first line of input contains an integer T (1 <= T <= 100) denoting the number of test cases.
Each test case consists of one line containing two integers n (1 ¡Ü n ¡Ü 100000), k (k is divisor of n).
It is guaranteed that the sum of n overall test cases does not exceed 500000.

For each test case, if you can¡¯t divide into k groups satisfying condition, print ¡°no¡±.
Else if you can divide into k groups satisfying condition, print ¡°yes¡± in one line and then print k lines.
The i-th line represent the indices of stones belonging to the i-th group.
If there are multiple solutions, you can print any of them.

Sample Input
1 4 2

Sample Output
yes 1 4 2 3


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