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The World

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5929    Accepted Submission(s): 1687

Problem Description
The World can indicate world travel, particularly on a large scale. You may be lucky enough to be embarking on a six-month overseas trip, or are working, studying or living overseas for an extended period of time. Similarly, this card reinforces Universal understanding and global awareness, and you will have a new appreciation for people and cultures from across the world.

Across the world there are various time zones, leading to time differences. Here you are informed of several famous capitals and their corresponding time zones.

  • Beijing - China - UTC + 8 (China Standard Time)

  • Washington - United States - UTC - 5 (Eastern Standard Time)

  • London - United Kingdom - UTC (Greenwich Mean Time)

  • Moscow - Russia - UTC + 3 (Moscow Time)

  • Given the local time of a city, you are expected to calculate the date and local time of another specific city among the above capitals.

    The first line of input contains a single integer $T$ ≤ 1000 indicating the number of testcases.
    Each testcase consists of three lines. The first line is in the form of “hour:minute AM/PM” (1 ≤ $hour$ ≤ 12, 00 ≤ $minute$ ≤ 59) indicating the local time. Next two lines contain two strings $s_1$, $s_2$. $s_1$ is the name of city corresponding to the given time, while $s_2$ indicates the city you are expected to calculate the local time.

    For each testcase, begin with “Case $i$:”, where $i$ indicate the case number, and then output a single line in the following format“Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow $hour:minute$ AM/PM”, separated by spaces. The first word describes the corresponding date.

    Sample Input
    2 12:00 AM London Moscow 4:00 PM London Beijing

    Sample Output
    Case 1: Today 3:00 AM Case 2: Tomorrow 12:00 AM


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    Designer & Developer : Wang Rongtao LinLe GaoJie GanLu
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