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Hack It

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2156    Accepted Submission(s): 721
Special Judge

Problem Description
Tonyfang is a clever student. The teacher is teaching he and other students "bao'sou".
The teacher drew an n*n matrix with zero or one filled in every grid, he wanted to judge if there is a rectangle with 1 filled in each of 4 corners.
He wrote the following pseudocode and claim it runs in $O(n^2)$:

let count be a 2d array filled with 0s
iterate through all 1s in the matrix:
suppose this 1 lies in grid(x,y)
iterate every row r:
if grid(r,y)=1:
if count[min(r,x)][max(r,x)]>1:
claim there is a rectangle satisfying the condition
claim there isn't any rectangle satisfying the condition

As a clever student, Tonyfang found the complexity is obviously wrong. But he is too lazy to generate datas, so now it's your turn.
Please hack the above code with an n*n matrix filled with zero or one without any rectangle with 1 filled in all 4 corners.
Your constructed matrix should satisfy $1 \leq n \leq 2000$ and number of 1s not less than 85000.


The first line should be one positive integer n where $1 \leq n \leq 2000$.

n lines following, each line contains only a string of length n consisted of zero and one.

Sample Input
(nothing here)

Sample Output
3 010 000 000 (obviously it's not a correct output, it's just used for showing output format)


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