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Up Sky,Mr.Zhu

Time Limit: 3000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 292    Accepted Submission(s): 118

Problem Description
Given a string S[0,...n-1],and the length of each palindrome substring in S is less than 20.

Define special string of a palindrome string STR[0,...,n-1] is STR[floor(n/2),...,n-1]

Given L,R and a string T, Query the number of palindrome strings, whose the prefix of special string is T, in S[L,...,R]

ps:floor means the function in C++ language
(No relation between statement and title)

There are severval cases,please peocess until EOF.
The first line contains string S.(1<=|S|<=1e5)
The second line is a number q means the number of querys.(1<=q<=1e5)
The next q lines,each line contains two numbers L,R and a string T.(1<=L<=R<=|S|,1<=|T|<=10)
All strings only contain 'a','b','c','d' and 'e'.

For each query,you should output the number of palindrome strings which satisfied previous condition in a line.

Sample Input
bceaeedde 5 5 8 e 3 5 e 1 2 a 5 9 d 5 9 de

Sample Output
3 2 0 4 1



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