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Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 3933    Accepted Submission(s): 2312

Problem Description
As a cute girl, Kotori likes playing ``Hide and Seek'' with cats particularly.
Under the influence of Kotori, many girls and cats are playing ``Hide and Seek'' together.
Koroti shots a photo. The size of this photo is $n\times m$, each pixel of the photo is a character of the lowercase(from `a' to `z').
Kotori wants to know how many girls and how many cats are there in the photo.

We define a girl as -- we choose a point as the start, passing by 4 different connected points continuously, and the four characters are exactly ``girl'' in the order.
We define two girls are different if there is at least a point of the two girls are different.
We define a cat as -- we choose a point as the start, passing by 3 different connected points continuously, and the three characters are exactly ``cat'' in the order.
We define two cats are different if there is at least a point of the two cats are different.

Two points are regarded to be connected if and only if they share a common edge.

The first line is an integer $T$ which represents the case number.

As for each case, the first line are two integers $n$ and $m$, which are the height and the width of the photo.
Then there are $n$ lines followed, and there are $m$ characters of each line, which are the the details of the photo.

It is guaranteed that:
$T$ is about 50.
$1\leq n\leq 1000$.
$1\leq m\leq 1000$.
$\sum (n\times m)\leq 2\times 10^6$.

As for each case, you need to output a single line.
There should be 2 integers in the line with a blank between them representing the number of girls and cats respectively.

Please make sure that there is no extra blank.


Sample Input
3 1 4 girl 2 3 oto cat 3 4 girl hrlt hlca

Sample Output
1 0 0 2 4 1


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