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Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1716    Accepted Submission(s): 911

Problem Description
Sanguosha has a singled version. Two players each select N heroes and start fighting. If a hero dies, the next follows. If one player's heroes are all dead, he loses.

There're restraints among heroes. For example, YuJi restricts Zhu Geliang, LuXun restricts DaQiao, ZhangJiao restricts MaChao, WeiYan restricts XiaoQiao.
Today I play with friends. I know the heroes and the restraints.(If opponent's hero restraint my hero, my hero will be beaten, others my hero will beat opponent's hero)
Can you arrange my heroes' order,no matter what order of opponent's heroes, so that I can win the game?

The first line is a number T(1<=T<=50), represents the number of case. The next T blocks follow each indicates a case.
The first line is N(3<=N<=6).
The second line has N names(shorter than 20 letter).
The following N lines each contains a restraints. Restraints are given as “k b1 b2 … bk”, which means the opponent's hero restricts my hero b1, b2 … bk. (0<=K<=N)

For each case, first line output the number of case with "Yes" or "No". If Yes, output the order of your heroes separate by a space. If there are more than one order, please output the one with minimum lexicographic order.(as shown in the sample output)

Sample Input
2 3 ZhugeLiang HuangYueying ZhenJi 1 ZhugeLiang 2 HuangYueying ZhenJi 2 ZhugeLiang ZhenJi 4 MaChao YanLiangWenChou YuJin XiaoQiao 2 MaChao XiaoQiao 2 YanLiangWenChou YuJin 1 XiaoQiao 0

Sample Output
Case 1: No Case 2: Yes MaChao YanLiangWenChou XiaoQiao YuJin


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