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Pro.ID   Problem Title Difficulty   Notes
1018    Big Number Difficulty: 1
1028    Ignatius and the Princess III Difficulty: 1
1056    HangOver Difficulty: 1
1060    Leftmost Digit Difficulty: 3
1065    I Think I Need a Houseboat Difficulty: 1
1066    Last non-zero Digit in N! Difficulty: 4
1071    The area Difficulty: 1
1077    Catching Fish Difficulty: 4
1099    Lottery Difficulty: 2
1110    Equipment Box Difficulty: 1
1155    Bungee Jumping Difficulty: 1
1210    Eddy's 洗牌问题 Difficulty: 1
1214    圆桌会议 Difficulty: 1
1215    七夕节 Difficulty: 1
1216    Assistance Required Difficulty: 1
1220    Cube Difficulty: 1
1221    Rectangle and Circle Difficulty: 3
1222    Wolf and Rabbit Difficulty: 1
1248    寒冰王座 Difficulty: 1
1249    三角形 Difficulty: 1
1250    Hat's Fibonacci Difficulty: 2 with Big Number
1259    ZJUTACM Difficulty: 2
1271    整数对 Difficulty: 2
1273    漫步森林 Difficulty: 1
1275    两车追及或相遇问题 Difficulty: 3
1284    钱币兑换问题 Difficulty: 2
1286    找新朋友 Difficulty: 1
1288    Hat's Tea Difficulty: 3
1290    献给杭电五十周年校庆的礼物 Difficulty: 1
1295    Move Move Look Difficulty: 1
1299    Diophantus of Alexandria Difficulty: 3
1309    Loansome Car Buyer Difficulty: 3
1319    Prime Cuts Difficulty: 2
1322    Floppies Difficulty: 2
1329    Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! Difficulty: 2
1330    Deck Difficulty: 2
1333    Smith Numbers Difficulty: 3
1335    Basically Speaking Difficulty: 2 system change
1336    Word Index Difficulty: 2 system change
1352    I Conduit! Difficulty: 4
1374    The Circumference of the Circle Difficulty: 3
1376    Octal Fractions Difficulty: 3 system change
1396    Counting Triangles Difficulty: 2
1402    A * B Problem Plus Difficulty: 4
1405    The Last Practice Difficulty: 1
1418    抱歉 Difficulty: 1
1568    Fibonacci Difficulty: 3
1594    find the max Difficulty: 2
1700    Points on Cycle Difficulty: 2
1713    相遇周期 Difficulty: 3
Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge 3.0
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