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Problem 1001 : What is the answer of this case?
RE:What is the answer of this case?
不好意思,错得郁闷,刚才气急败坏了,Wiskey大大多包涵,给您赔罪了 Orz
roba at 2007-08-12 14:15:02

RE:What is the answer of this case?
are you sure that the answer of about is " Have 6 Nash Points."not "Have 4 Nash Points."
UFO at 2007-08-12 15:32:49

RE:What is the answer of this case?
呵呵,确实没描述清楚 出题时按着自己的想法,忽略了大家的想法了 re:♂HW-->木阳 yes
〓威士忌☆WisKey〓 at 2007-08-12 15:41:25

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