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Contest Clarifications

Time Problem Title Author Reply
2010-02-06 17:05:21 ... 求结题报告 kimhmguen 0
2010-02-06 15:03:39 ... 第一个数据为什么是3 abilitytao 7
2010-02-06 15:15:43 1006 I am wondering how could we get the sample... AekdyCoin 1
2010-02-06 14:53:03 1008 What is the range of n? AekdyCoin 1
2010-02-06 14:41:15 1002 Y mod (X-1) = 0. mtttt 2
2010-02-06 14:41:01 1006 挖水井和修路的目的是不是要保证每个monk都有水喝? AekdyCoin 1
2010-02-06 14:36:21 ... 如果有一个球进洞了 另一个球可以从上面过吗 abilitytao 2
2010-02-06 13:56:23 1001 用矩阵乘法还会超时,WHY? YKangle 4
2010-02-06 13:20:45 1002 Could you ensure that your data is correct? -_- 2
2010-02-06 13:33:47 1009 请问monk a可否修一条路去monk b所站的位置取水还是只能去那m个点? PrimeMusic 3
2010-02-06 13:31:04 1008 m=6,下面怎么有7行?? Sasuke 1
2010-02-06 13:27:41 1009 如果a投给b,b投给c 那么a是c的supporter吗 abilitytao 1
2010-02-06 12:29:41 1001 数据有问题吧? zsasuke 2
2010-02-06 12:26:08 1004 what about this operation if I press right ? BB* Westwind Blows 0
2010-02-06 12:22:54 1001 2 1 1 how to get 3 autumncat 0
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